What are the JAMB subject combination for Wood Work / Education for 2023/2024? If you are really interested in knowing the JAMB as well the O level (WAEC) subject combination required to study Wood Work / Education under the faculty of Education then it may please you to know that we have covered JAMB and WAEC subject combination for Wood Work / Education here in this post you are currently reading.

To make this official, this is a notice to inform all JAMB and WAEC candidates who will be sitting for the upcoming JAMB examination that JAMB subject combination for Wood Work / Education has been released by the management of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Keep in mind that the JAMB subject combinations as well as the o level (WAEC) requirements mentioned on this post are only meant for Wood Work / Education under the faculty of Education.
JAMB Subject Combination For Wood Work / Education
The required JAMB subject subject combination for Wood Work / Education are:
Mathematics, Physics and any other subject.
WAEC (O Level) Subject Requirements For Wood Work / Education
The list of compulsory WAEC subjects required for Wood Work / Education under the faculty of are as follows:
Five SSCE credits in Eng; Math; any one of Bio/Agric Science; Physics, or Chemistry and two from Gen. Science;/Inter Science; Technology Draw/Fine Art; Geo; Health Science; Food and Nutrition, PHE, Auto Tech; Building; Elect;/ Elect; Metal Work and Wood Work.