What are the JAMB subject combination for Communication and Wireless Technology for 2023/2024? If you are really interested in knowing the JAMB as well the O level (WAEC) subject combination required to study Communication and Wireless Technology under the faculty of Sciences then it may please you to know that we have covered JAMB and WAEC subject combination for Communication and Wireless Technology here in this post you are currently reading.

To make this official, this is a notice to inform all JAMB and WAEC candidates who will be sitting for the upcoming JAMB examination that JAMB subject combination for Communication and Wireless Technology has been released by the management of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Keep in mind that the JAMB subject combinations as well as the o level (WAEC) requirements mentioned on this post are only meant for Communication and Wireless Technology under the faculty of Sciences.
JAMB Subject Combination For Communication and Wireless Technology
The required JAMB subject subject combination for Communication and Wireless Technology are:
Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography
Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks
(i) OSUSTECH, UNILAG and UNIPORT do not accept Agric. Science, Economics and Geography.
(ii) AJAYI and UNILAG do not accept Agric Science or Economics
(iii) UNN does not accept Agricultural Science.
(v) MAUTECH accepts Mathematics and any other two of UTME requirements except Geography.
(vi) BABCOCK, FUTO, FED-LAFIA and FUTA require Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
(vii) ABU requires Mathematics and any two of Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Geography
(viii) NTNU accepts any Science subjects.
(ix) KWASU accepts:
(a) For Computer Mathematics, Physics and any other science subject.
(b) For Library and information Science any three subjects.
(xi) FED-DUTSE requires Chemistry or Biology as the third subject.
(xii) UNIJOS for Library and Information Science requires any three subjects.
(xiii) FED-LOKOJA requires one of Chemistry, Agricultural Science or Biology as the third subject.
(i) for Computer Science requires Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
(ii) for Information Technology accepts require Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry/Economics/Biology/Geography.
(xv) AKSU does not require Biology as a compulsory subject
(xvi) SOUTHWESTERN – Same as in Mathematics.
(xvii) UNIABUJA requires Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics, Geography, Biology and Economics.
WAEC (O Level) Subject Requirements For Communication and Wireless Technology
The list of compulsory WAEC subjects required for Communication and Wireless Technology under the faculty of are as follows:
Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics plus two other science subjects
Special Requirements (Waiver) Remarks
(i) RENAISSANE, PHC and ILORIN require credit passes in English, Maths, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. RENAISSANCE requires credit passes at not more than two sittings.
(ii) CRUTECH, AAUA and IMSU accept Maths, Physics plus Chemistry or Statistics/Economics/Geography/Biology
(iii) UNICAL requires the 2 other subjects to be from Chemistry, Biology and Economics
(iv) MADONNA, COOU and IMSU accept a pass in English Language.
(v) COVENANT requires five credit level passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and either of Biology and Agric. Science.
(vi) ANSU requires credits in Physics, Chemistry and accepts a pass in English Language.
(vii) IBADAN requires 5/6 credits passes at one or two sittings to include English Language, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, and one other Science subject except Agric Science.
(ix) FED-WUKARI, MINNA, EBSU, LASU and IGBINEDION require five O’ level credit pass to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and one other Science subject.
(x) UNILAG requires English Language, Maths, Physics, Further Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology.
(xi) UNIJOS accepts a credit pass in Further Maths in lieu of Mathematics.
(xii) UNIBEN requires two Science subject in addition to Mathematics and Physics
(xiii) RENAISSANCE requires Further Mathematics with Physics or Chemistry.
(xv) AJAYI requires The required five (5) credit passes must include: English Language, mathematics and any other three of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electronics and any other subject at one sitting or six (6) credit passes at two sittings.
(xvi) LAGOS Further Mathematics is compulsory.
(xvii) CRESCENT requires five (5) O ’level credits in not more than two sittings at SSCE, GCE or NECO which must include English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Economics.
(xviii) UMYUK requires five credit passes at SSCE (or its equivalent) in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, and any of Biology/Agricultural Science or Geography in not more than two sittings.
(xix) UNN requires five O’ level credit passes to include Mathematics, English Language, Physics and any two from Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Economics.
(xx) DELSU requires credit passes in any two of Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Geography.
(xxi) BOWEN does not allow the combination of Biology and Agric. Science
(xxii) FUNAAB requires five (5) SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
(xxiii) FUTA requires Five ‘O’ level credits in NOT more than TWO sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry plus one other Science subject.
(xxiv) DELSU accepts Economics and Geography.
(xxv) UNIOSUN requires five ‘O’ level credits in SSCE including Mathematics, English Language, Chemistry, Physics one other Science subject at one sitting.
(xxvi) ABU requires Five ‘O’ level credit passes to include English Language, Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Geography.
(xxvii) KASU does not accept Economics and Agric. Science as Science Subjects.
(xxviii) NTNU accepts English Language, Mathematics and either Physics or Chemistry and any other two Science subjects.
(xxix) ABSU for Architecture:
(a) requires Five SSCE credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, any three Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Add Mathematics and Chemistry. A credit pass in Chemistry ids not compulsory
(b) For Estate Management: requires Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Economics and one Science subject from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agric. Science.
(c) For Urban and Regional Planning: requires Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Geography and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Biology, Art, History CRK/IRK. A credit pass in Geography is compulsory.
(d) For Information Science: requires Five SSCE credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least one Science subject.
(xxx) MOUA same as in Mathematics.
(xxxi) REDEEMER’S requires five ‘O’ Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, plus at least two from Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics.
(xxxii) FUTA accepts for Library Science
(i) NCE in Library Science with a minimum of Upper Credit which must be equivalent to Upper Credit at ND.
(ii) National Diploma (ND) from recognized institutions with a minimum of Upper Credit or its equivalent; and
(iii) GCE (Advanced Level) or its equivalent passes in at least two of the following subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Economics.
(xxxiii) BAYERO accepts only Science subjects in Computer Science, does not accept Economics.
(xxxiv) PAUL requires five SSCE credit passes obtained at not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics and Physics
(xxxv) WESERN-DEL requires five SSCE credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology, any other Science or Social Science subject
(xxxvi) OSUSTECH requires two other credit passes from Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics.
(xxxvii) KWASU accepts:
(a) For Computer credit passes in English language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other science subject.
(b) For Library and information Science credit passes in English Language, mathematics and any three other subjects.
(xxxviii) FED-DUTSE requires English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two other subjects.
(xxxix) UNIILORIN for Information and Communication Technology requires credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and at least three subjects from Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography.
(xi) NTNU accepts credit pass in Geography as one of the other two Science subjects.
(xii) AUE requires five credit level passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry/Physics plus two other Science subjects.
(xiii) FEDMINNA for Cyber Security Science requires five SSCE Credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and/or Chemistry and any other Science subject.
(xiv) FED-LAFIA, UMUDIKE and NDA – Same as in Mathematics.
(xv) AKSU does not require Biology as a compulsory subject.
(xvi) SOUTHWESTERN – Same as in Mathematics.
(xvii) FUTO requires at least five ‘O’ Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any other Science subject in not more than two sittings.
(xviii) UNIABUJA requires two other Sciences subjects preferably from Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Statistics, Biology or Geography and economics.